Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tips on Seqouia—The Largest Tree on Earth

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There are many big trees in the world, ranging from the conifers, alpines, baobabs, mahogany to the iroko trees. But among all big trees one species reign supreme in size. It has been the tallest tree on the planet earth. It is the tree with the biggest girth; a single tree that produces the largest supply of wood. This tree has the longest root reach from its location. It has the thickest bark. Interestingly, it is also one of the trees with the smallest seeds in the world and it grows out of this tiny seed. What tree is this? It is the largest tree on the planet earth-- the giant sequoia tree. Sequoia tree grows in the western US and can grow to a height of 300ft. Its diameter can be 112ft and girth may be 36ft. The bark which is 2ft thick produces tanning that repels insects and makes the tree fire-resistant. The roots of a tree can cover three or four acres of land. The woods produced in one tree can build as much as 40 six-room apartment.

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Amazingly, the seed that produces this magnificent giant of a plant is a bit smaller than one quarter of a grain of uncooked rice- a pinhead surrounded by hairs. These seeds are produced in the millions by the giant sequoia. Imagine yourself standing side by side with the giant sequoia! Is it not an awe-inspiring sight for a puny man to behold the majestic sequoia and to ruminate on the fact that it was produced from such a tiny seed? But wait for a moment, think about the Creator of the sequoia who carefully designed this masterpiece of creation. Does he not deserve our praise and adoration?
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